Shelley Miyamoto, MD

Director, Cardiomyopathy Program, Children’s Hospital of Colorado (Denver)
NIH-funded (R01), cardiomyopathy and transplant. Completed fellowship training in 2005.
For Patients:
My research interest is to identify targeted therapy specific to children suffering from poor heart function. Currently, treatment of children with heart failure is based on what is done for adult patients. Important differences exist between children and adults with heart failure and our goal is to identify treatment options that are appropriate specifically for children.
For Referring Providers:
My research interests include investigation into the molecular level adaptations that occur in the setting of heart failure in children. Specifically in collaboration with colleagues in adult cardiology we are performing investigations utilizing human tissue, primary and stem cell models as well as various animal models to investigate mechanisms specific to the failing pediatric heart. We also are interested in identifying biomarkers of disease, especially circulating microRNAs, as they relate to risk stratification for children with heart disease. I am also active in pediatric heart transplant clinical research. I am interested in outcomes as well as evaluation and management of rejection and transplant coronary artery disease.